Leading Level Sponsors
Athletes for Animals
| Athletes for Animals is a united team of professional athletes with a shared passion for rescuing and protecting the welfare of homeless pets nationwide.
Bryan and Amanda Bickell Foundation | ounded by Blackhawks player Bryan Bickell and wife Amanda, the charity assists "pit bull" type dogs and children who have been victims of abuse.
Community Level Sponsors
ounds & Hounds Coffee Co.
| Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co., is committed to using the sale of their fair trade organic, whole bean coffee to support the no kill rescue organizations providing safe-havens for pups between homes. 20% of all Grounds & Hounds proceeds will be donated to their rescue partners working to make the second-chance mission a reality.
When choosing your Chicago veterinarian, look to the Animal Medical Center of Chicago . Located in a beautifully renovated and expanded Victorian house, Animal Medical Center of Chicago has been part of the Chicago community since 1990. In today's fast-paced and automated world, Animal Medical Center of Chicago is a breath of fresh air - providing quality care to dogs, cats and birds in Chicago, Il linois.

Krisers Natural Pet | the Pet Retailer of the Year - is your place for natural food, treats, supplies and grooming. We help pets live happy healthy lives, naturally!

Roseanne Everson
Supporting Level Sponsors
Collins Canine's
dog training involves a positive reinforcement approach that is highly conducive to rapid learn
ing and retention. Unlike punishment-based techniques which can create unwanted side effects such asfear and distrust, a reward-based method creates a confident dog and harmonious home life.
If you or your business are interested in becoming a community partner of CCPC, read more about our sponsorship opportunities here.