The Chicago Community Pet Coalition knows that families and pets are happiest when they can stay together. After seeing so many heart-wrenching
situations where families can't afford to care for their beloved pet, and therefore
have to give them up to shelters, ALIVE Rescue and One Tail at a Time decided to team up to prevent any further heartbreak from occurring. In March of 2014, they formed the Community Pet Coalition (CPC) to keep animals healthy, happy and in the homes they love.
CCPC was featured in the August 2014 edition of Tails Magazine. Read more about the organization, mission, and what makes the organizers tick.
Rescue Heroes: The Chicago Community Pet Coalition
ALIVE Rescue is an animal rescue that protects the lives and the rights of animals. We believe
every animal has the right to a well-balanced, socialized and fulfilled life. We take on the responsibility to save, rehabilitate and place abandoned, abused and stray animals. We provide medical, behavioral and physical support for animals despite their age, health and/or breed. ALIVE Rescue promotes sustainable living and care giving by building awareness, appreciation and respect for all animals and the environment within our communities. Learn more at